Monday, April 20, 2009

Stem Cells-About

What are Stem Cells ?

  • Stem-cells are the “magical” young, generic cells in the human body that can be grown into other specific cells. Stem cells can be used for treatment of some blood disorders and cancers.
  • Stem-cells unfortunately are rare and difficult to harvest from the adult body, but they are found abundantly in the baby's umbilical cord and placenta.

Why store Stem Cells ?
By choosing to store your baby's cord blood stem cells, you are giving an additional chance for your baby to potentially use them as a part of a treatment therapy for various diseases, including various cancers, genetic diseases, blood disorders and immune system deficiencies.

In developed countries, hundreds of thousands of parents decide to store their babies' cord blood stem cells. CellSafe is bringing this affordable service to you at a fraction of the cost of services in developed countries.

Why Store Cord Blood?

  • Potential use as treatment option for more than 70 diseases to save your baby’s life
  • Potential to save another family member’s life. Siblings and parents have a relatively higher chance of matching DNA to use the stem cells, compared to unrelated donor
  • A once-in-a-lifetime chance to harvest stem cells immediately after birth.
    Cord blood stem cells are preferred over adult stem cells for treatment.
  • The collection process of cord blood is simple, painless and harmless to the newborn baby and mother.
  • Up to 70% of people who need bone marrow transplants cannot find a compatible donor.
    - Bone marrow transplant is essentially stem cell transplant. Banking your baby’s stem cells improves the odds of having a proper match for your baby or another family member.
  • Finding a proper match is especially problematic for people of mixed ethnicity & ethnic minorities.
  • In the near future, medical advances may allow stem cells to be used in regenerative medicine (growing organs etc)
    Early successes are already demonstrated by leading scientists internationally, some of whom CellSafe is proud to be associated with through its International Advisory Panel. Read more about stem cell news in our news section.

The Future of Stem Cells
Researchers are now looking to stem cells as a potential treatment option for some forms of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Stem cell research is progressing rapidly and has shown that stem cells can be developed into lung, liver, muscle, nerve, pancreas and cartilage cells.

Growing of organs from stem cells may be possible in the near future and hence stem cell technology offers endless possibilities in healthcare.

For more details and pricing, do drop me some comment and I'll get back to you soon.

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